In the above program, we try to print some statements and added the comment to understand why and what function we used. But we got SyntaxError: invalid syntax in the first line of code because the python interpreter could not understand that line. As we are trying to comment message, but...
Comments that span multiple lines – used to explain things in more detail – are created by adding a delimiter (“””) on each end of the comment. """ This would be a multiline commentin Python that spans several lines anddescribes your code, your day, or anything you want it to""...
This article covers the basics of writing comments in Python. A comment is a human-readable explanation or annotation that are used to explain the code.
Python Multiline Comment In general, it is recommended to use#at the beginning of each line to mark it as a comment. However, commenting a large section takes a lot of time and you may need a quick way to comment out a whole section. In such instances, you can usemulti-line comments...
Using the hash mark can also allow you to try alternatives while you’re determining how to set up your code. For example, you may be deciding between using awhileloopor aforloop in a Python game, and can comment out one or the other while testing and determining which one may be best...
Firstly, the Python interpreter will ignore thecommentsat the runtime of the program. Additionally, we will usehash (#)sign to begin acommentin Python. Moreover, usehash (#)in front of each line for multi-line comments. Comments help to recognize the functionality of a code block. ...
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to write comments in Python. You’ll see that comments are made by putting a “#” symbol before a desired comment. The lesson will also show you how to spread comments over multiple lines as well as how to write comments quickly in your editor using...
Although we can use “#” to comment large paragraphs into a different line, it is easier to use the triple quotes (“””…”””) to write paragraph in python comments. Example: Copy Code """ We use the def keyword to define a function in Python and the lambda keyword to define...
How does Python Multiline Comment work? Comments in the program are words meant to help users understand the program in English, which is easily readable. In python, the hash character (#) is used to make a comment at the start of the line. There is no multiline comment in Python, but...
Indentation and comments are important in Python because they help to make your code more readable and easier to understand. What is an indentation comment? Indentation is used to indicate the block of code that belongs to a particular control structure, such as a for loop or an if statement...