Raising geese is a lot easier than you may think. The effort is well worth it, especially if you use the natural tendencies of the geese to benefit you. Read on to learn about weeder geese, pet geese, and security alarm geese!
If you do have chickens, you can use a broody hen, and I’ll cover that process as well. It’s less dependable, and these days many modern chicken breeds have been selectively bred so that they don’t “go broody,” and you need a broody hen to hatch eggs in the coop. (A hen...
A unit heater is a standalone heating system which doesn’t have any ducts. Unit heaters can be vented or unvented and powered by a variety of fuel sources. Used in residential and commercial greenhouses alike, they gradually exchange cold greenhouse hair for warm air. You will need to be...
Optimal Nutrition for Chickens: A Recipe for Quality Eggs ‘You are what you eat’ certainly applies to a hen and her eggs. If her diet is lacking in any essential dietary component her eggs will also decline in nutritional value. The more nutritious the hen’s diet, the more nutrient den...
A brooder is a safe place to raise your chickens for their first few weeks of life until they are ready to move outside into a standard chicken coop and chicken run. A brooder is a box or bin where the chicks will be safe and warm. They need a lot of heat until either the weather...
For a flock of, say, six chickens, that translates to a 6'-by-4' nesting coop plus a 6'-by-10' run. (See below for more scoop on chicken coops.) In reality, the amount of room is rarely the deal breaker for backyard chickens. The bigger question is if they are permitted in ...
Can Quails And Chickens Live Together? You might be tempted to raise chicken and quail in the same area (who wouldn’t want double the meat and eggs?), but I don’t recommend it. A chicken is more than six times larger than a quail, and they aren’t afraid to throw their weight ...
Your ducklings will love cuddling together for comfort and warmth. This is perfectly normal and doesn’t necessarily mean they’re cold or you need to adjust the temperature. C. Duckling food & water Duckling feed Ducks are not chickens. Seems obvious, right? Nevertheless, many new duckling ...
Sustainability and reducing environmental impact are hot topics these days. Still, many of us aren’t sure what to do to impact positively or whether we as individual people can make a difference. The good news is that, yes, you can make a difference! On
“Peanut is a doddering old lady now but she has had quite a life,”Marsi commented. Peanut emerging from her coop (2006) Most chickens live for 5 to 10 years. However, theoldest chicken ever,Muffy (USA, 1989 - 2012), lived to be23 years 152 days old!