2471CoconutMilk→confused on my rating change not_mohith→need a help to solve a game theory question! cwz2024→Massive cheating in problem F pouyan86→rated OI style contests in codeforces? bricked_→Rate my friend FZ_Laabidi→Mex but on X not 0 ...
By randomly looking at the submissions from the last rounds, I discovered the fact of the cheating by the userDedalius. The automatic anti-cheat system did not detect this. However, if you carefully look at the submissions of this user, you will find a lot of useless code. Interested in ...
Now we can assume that we draw examples from a somewhat similar distribution as test cases are generated. We can also assume that any problem on Codeforces has no more than 1000 test cases. This seems to imply that as long as we make sure thatError(h)<11000Error(h)<11000we have a pre...
In an algorithm contest, competitors are typically presented with three to six puzzles to solve within a given time frame. Contestants attempt to solve the puzzles by writing programs in their language of choice. Some platforms, such as Codeforces, provide programmers the opportunity to design test...
I think the reason behind this is that in Codeforces, if two competitors with a rating difference of400400compete in a single contest, it is expected that one competitor is1010time more likely to win the contest; and with a rating difference of800800, the ratio becomes100100; with a rating...
If you half-solved 3 problems but still wouldn't be able to do it on your own because you simply relied on the editorial, then in my opinion you're better off struggling on one problem and really getting it.
Alright, so codeforces seems good. Why only a rating range where you can solve ~30-40% of the time? Shouldn't you be practicing coming up with solutions on your own? Well, like I said earlier, you want to come across as many concepts as quickly as possible. If you're able to solv...
After system checking, final standings are published. So in total it take 16hours to 24hours to update your rating on your profile. (Sometimes it also takes more than 24hours, but surely changes within 36hours) Thanks for reading. Please correct me in comments, if I am wrong....
As you can see my profile, I am a pupil coder with rating1311, but I think I should be a1500+rated coder(as I can solve problems with 1500 difficulty on my own). The only thing is that, I couldn't handle pressure during the contest and do mistakes.So can you please tell me, h...
Does anyone know how C++ STLmapworks internally for keys like string? I tried googling, but didn't find much. Does it hash the string for matching or does it match character by character? 30441799In this code of problem D of last contest (434), he used a map with string as key, it...