Candidates who appeared for the exam can download the answer key at However, since CMAT has been conducted in 2 shifts, the raw scores will be converted to percentile (NTA) scores. To calculate the percentile score NTA will first calculate the raw scores of the candidates...
12.Infrastructure & Facilities Good management institute is supposed to have good, well equipped classrooms, library, auditorium, residential accommodation for the students on campus so that they can make best use of the library, labs and get mentorship from their professors when they feel like. ...
About CMAT: CMAT (Common Management Aptitude Test) is for admission to all MBA programs in Institutions which are approved by AICTE and affiliated to … GMAT Initial Integrated Reasoning Percentiles Released GMAT includes Integrated Reasoning section from June 5, 2012 and the initial IR perecentiles...
Since, mostly government approved universities offer MBA degrees, the MBA fee structure is regulated by them even for the private MBA colleges affiliated to them. These universities offer MBA at a subsidised fee as they receive financial aid and grants from the government but since private universit...