Furthermore, long-standing indigenous fire management has shown that prescribed fire can mitigate climate-induced influences on wildfire17. The majority of prescribed burning in the United States occurs in southeastern ecosystems and tallgrass prairie, both characterized by short fire return intervals18 (...
(for example nitrate or ammonium). To visualize this change - imagine the sediments breathing. When denitrification dominates the sediments are exhaling - cleansing the water of excess nitrogen. But, when nitrogen fixation occurs the sediments inhale - bringing more nitrogen into the system. In ...
This article explores the correlation between climate change and extreme weather in the United States. You’ll learn how global warming impacts weather, and how warming-driven weather affects the country, its resources, and its people.
Cities are on the front lines of this public health emergency. People living in urban areas are among the hardest hit when heatwaves happen, partly because ofurban heat islands. This is a phenomenon that occurs when cities replace the natural land cover with dense concentrations of surfaces that...
Methaneis a combustible gas, and it is the main component of natural gas. Methane occurs naturally through the decomposition of organic material and is often encountered in the form of "swamp gas." Man-made processes produce methane in several ways: ...
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert radiant energy from the sun to chemical energy. The rate at which photosynthesis occurs is dependent upon three main variables: light, Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, and temperature. How would t ...
Water currents have the ability to cool and warm the air, while air currents push air from one climate to another, bringing heat (or cold) and moisture with it. Convection Convection is one of the major ways that heat is transferred. It occurs because hotter liquids and gasses have a tend...
Climate change or global warming occurs constantly. Climate change drivers including temperature, moisture, altered rainfall pattern, and greenhouse gases (GHGs) are likely to have harmful effects on different soil properties and processes. The results of the changed climatic conditions are environmental ...
Urbanization and climate change are contributing to severe flooding globally, damaging infrastructure, disrupting economies, and undermining human well-being. Approaches to make cities more resilient to floods are emerging, notably with the design of flood-resilient structures, but relatively little is kno...
Since returning to office, President Trump has also signed more than three dozen executive orders affecting everything fromhis economic agendato immigration, climate change and oil exploration, and health and medical research, as well as eliminating federal diversity programs, directives defining gender,...