I like your pronounce words,i can understand more now and know about something so much . i will improve English from you. thank you so much. Tree. tree Hello Ronnie, Everytime I watch this website to improve my English, I always thank to you a lot . Thank you so much for your ...
Study confirms most Canadians don't know how to pronounce Toronto Tweet Save this Article For all of the weird nicknames Toronto has been given (Hogtown!T.O.!The Big Smoke!) nothing bothers my ears more than hearing two hard "T"s. It's not "tor-ahn-toe," it's Toronno. Or Churra...
In most parts of England (the main exception being the West Country), people pronounce “father” identically to “farther”, “pawn” identically to “porn”, and “panda” identically to “pander”, while to most Americans and Canadians those word pairs are all distinct....
Canadians are (for the most part) polite, respectful, and fairly reserved people. It’s important to remember social niceties such as saying “please” and “thank you” when dealing with them, and if you open doors for people and offer firm handshakes, you’re sure to stay in the good ...
Thanks Ronnie , question please , you wrote “Wha cha doin” but you some time pronounce it as ” Wha r ya doin ” , so which one as more native :-) . Thanks again . shamri We use both equally! Ronnie hello Ronnie ,my name is roberto mexican ,i have problem not understanding ...
Our boys have been studying, reviewing, forging ahead with new chapters in schoolbooks whose names I no longer feel I need to know how to pronounce. They earn an hour of screen time for every two hours of studying. So…not a total loss in their view. Sometimes it’...
People pronounce words differently depending where they are from. For example, British pronounce aluminum differently than Canadians/Americans. And many many more. It took a lot of hard work to figure out this confusing language called English. In fact, I know I am still learning today. ...
Pronunciation Tip: Although you wouldn't normally pronounce the "s" at the end of "vous," you do if it comes immediately before a word that starts with a vowel. The two words flow together to form what the French call a liaison. 2 Use "merci à vous" after mutual assistance. In som...