Emerging technologies can move the sustainability dial a lot. They can really reduce pressures on the environment and on lost biodiversity when they are used for that purpose. We will have to see if there is the will to use the new innovations in that way. Q: Is it possible to be trul...
As researchers and designers of the built environment, we know that places and spaces have a big impact on how we can build brain capital and realize the SDGs. Here are five things we encourage our teams, clients, and partners to do as we continue the journey to design for brain capital...
There's money to be spent, people are just looking for more bang for their buck." said Sarah Hanrahan, content creator, speaking at our Youth Culture Uncovered Event. Being a brand that can help young people become more financially empowered can start within your organisation as well. ...
We will look into the meaning of CSR, ESG and CSV, as well as case studies, to help you understand and set the course for your company’s social impact.
Youth can play a significant role in reducing the risks and strengthening the national policies for suicide prevention by: 1. Identifying the vulnerable group – people with mental health illnesses, previous suicide attempts, minorities – cul...
Partnering with an organization that’s already steeped in the SDGs and dedicated to accelerating progress toward them. Think of it like learning a new language or training for a marathon. Sure, you can do it on your own, but by working with a partner with longstandi...
SDGs.Footnote5Our goal is to discuss which streams of literature feature the most publications and derive the main takeaways of each stream. Also, takeaways table (Tables1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9and10permits to have a clear visual idea of research gaps which can be addressed in future ...
The growing popularity of video games has also led to shattering traditional perceptions associated with age and gender. Only 22% of all gamers worldwide are aged below 21 years old, while nearly 1/2 of the players are female. Women and therefore the youth are among the foremost vulnerable ...
WHO defines an 'adolescent' as a person between the age of 10–19 years,'youth' as 15–24 years old, and 'young people' as individuals between 10 and 24 years [25]. The overlap between age groups has led to the loose and interchange- able use of these terms in the obesity ...
can drive sustainable development for women, girls, and youth in marginalized communities across the world. A fundamental pillar of iamtheCODE’s work is the empowerment of women and girls worldwide, aligning with critical ...