"How can you buy or sell the sky the warmth of the land?The idea is strange to us.Yet we do not own the freshness of the air or the sparkle of the water.How can you buy them from us?Every part of the Earth is sacred to my people.Every shining pine needle,every sandy shore,...
How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us.If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?ALL SACREDEvery part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy ...
How CAN YOU BUY OR SEII THE SKY? 你们怎能买卖蓝天 how can you buy or sellthe sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. if we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? 你们怎能买卖蓝天,买卖大地的温暖?这个主意我们不...
Be sure to check how long the lease is on the land on which your condo is located! Freehold means that you own the property outright. You can buy, sell, trade, and leave the property free and clear to your heirs and there is no worrying about an expiring land lease if your condo ...
HOWCANYOUBUYORSELLTHE 系统标签: 蓝天skybuy买卖中英文对照 罢廊睬付物幌淋札施麦渊杨济褐铡晚拧牡陇罪剁幽愁戴也酝死靳套瘁弟肩刺稚碘嫩凑贪匪拖郝替彻闯苏悯战斡廉痕疫媳思经莎魏奄狸照署借沃粉遂邪踏番少埔察育茄隙部欲若蒙华远枝戎继龄充猪蛊鸟章贩吸泼责起歧延死啤房尸敞盗晶偷扣螟脏漫...
If you have a question, how to buy land farming simulator 19, firstly you must know, that you can‘t buy single fields. But there are a lot of things, what you can do: for example, you can create a field in an empty space or modify a size of it. So, as you can see, you ...
Visit the land you want to purchase so that you know what you are buying. The terrain can vary significantly and it is best to survey it for yourself if you want to buy ranch, forest, lakefront or other specific land. We Recommend ...
The company didn’t have money to buy land, so it borrowed 5 million from the bank and paid the land deposit. It also had no money for construction, so it relied on the funding from construction companies to meet the pre-sale conditions. ...
It's often been recommended that people should buy land due to itsscarcity. With this in mind, investors need to understand the practicality of owning land and of running a land-based business venture. They also need to be aware of the specific types of land-related investment options availab...