And battling your condo or homeowners association can often be more difficult than fighting City Hall. “When an owner takes on an HOA, the deck is really stacked against the homeowner,” says Sara Benson, one of CHPPI’s founders and the co-author of “Escaping Condo Jail:...
If the board member continues to act up, the board may ultimately have to sanction or remove the board member,he says. Sanctions can involve telling the board member, “Basically we’re not going to let you sit on these issues any more because you don’t respect the process or executive ...
Communication–and the ability to calmly articulate why one board member may disagree with one or other persons – is critical. “Some disputes are caused by a lack of understanding among board members as to the regulation and operation of the association and the function of the board, which ...
“When board members are diametrically opposed, it may be time to call in a professional from a field related to the argument at hand,” advises Straits. “Even if that professional is saying the same thing as a particular board member, the others may be more open to hearing the message ...
I ordered 3 sets of your books for HoA Board. They are most helpful. In the past, we would ask 3 notarios and get 3 different answers! rayraytravel Jalisco Jalisco Condo Manual: GREAT This book was written like it was intended to be understood, he writes so well and in detail, leave...
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HiJennyHoA20181 See here Outlook should be able to do this, if you open up the meeting in Outlook (Desktop) calendar and remove or add attendees then cl...
How do we reset LDAP connections between and application server and a domain controller? How do you remove a DHCP failover in Windows Server 2012 when the DHCP manager and powershell commands fail? How does everyone else benchmark their Windows Servers? How does ldap search for the users hap...
Adam can you help me?I know words but often I forget them. I know how in english but I cannot remmember translate. Rahima Shakirova I got 40% :-( ..But Thank you so much.. I love it ;-) jibengvid1 hello, how are you all , so i’d liked that lessons , so i still fol...
The HOA’s board is usually responsible for the organization’s finances and it oversees the collection and management of funds. Along with setting dues and assessments, the board can slap fines on homeowners who break the rules or damage the common areas. HOAs can also place alienon a prope...