Burnout is a common condition associated with the pressures of the modern world. It’s not just a physical condition; it has psychological effects that can impact heavily on your work and life in general. Taking steps to avoid bur...
这就被称为 “burnout(过度疲劳)”。本文讨论如何在生活和工作中避免过度疲劳。 词汇:burnout 过度疲劳 Whether it's studying for exams, working on a project or struggling with a dissertation, we've all been under immense stress at some point. When it gets a bit overwhelming, we can reach a ...
Although “burnout” is a common buzzword these days, legitimate burnout can cause severe mental and physical health issues. In this article, we share tips on how to avoid burnout and advice on how to sustain a healthy work-life balance. 9 tips on how to avoid burnout 1. Delegate tasks ...
While we all experience bad days at work, burnout doesn't have to be inevitable. To help you stay in the groove at work, we will explore ways to avoid burnout and some signs of burnout to watch out for. What is burnout? Common Causes of Burnout Signs of Burnout How to Avoid Burnout ...
BBC随身英语(附字幕+笔记文稿)> 如何避免过度疲劳?How to avoid burnout如何避免过度疲劳?How to avoid burnout 2020-07-14 13:05:48 79.2万 喜欢下载分享 声音简介上一个:你需要一份人生愿望清单吗?Do you need a bucket list? 下一个: 乐队应该重组吗?Should bands reunite?
In Europe, well over 50% of workers experience symptoms of burnout. This global phenomenon is reflected in the US, where around 52% of workers also experience this syndrome.
040 How burnout makes us less creative The Way We Work a TED series 05:05 039 How to make faster decisions The Way We Work a TED series 05:08 038 Are indoor vertical farms the future of agriculture Stuart Oda 09:58 037 Why are drug prices so high Investigating the outdated US pa...
21 Tips forHow to Avoid Burnout 1. Identify Your Values Define the attributes of the person you want to be. Aligning your time with your values ensures you stay focused on what truly matters and helps prevent burnout by providing a sense of purpose and direction. ...
But what can we do to avoid the evils of burnout? Well, there are some tips that may help you. Psychologist Albert Bandura’s idea of self-efficacy – which is the theory that you should believe in your ability to complete a task at hand - may assist you. A feeling that the task ...
上文“You can avoid burnout by focusing on personal characteristics associated with more resilience(恢复力).Research published in the journal Current Psychology finds something useful.”(您可以通过关注与恢复力相关的个人特征来避免倦怠。发表在《当代心理学》杂志上的研究发现了一些有用的东西。)说明一些研究...