majority of us have the ability to influence the outcomes we attain.Fairness is a state of mind and most often,an unhealthy state of mind.Our state in life should not,be blamed on our parents,our teachers,or our society-it's largely based on the choices we make,...
The frequency of happiness as an emotion can look different for everyone, and what makes one person feel joy may upset someone else. In some cases, mental health conditions, likedepression, may lessen your happiness, which is not your fault. The science of happiness and becoming a happier per...
who needed the support of women from Egba and nearby towns to bring about change, every woman needs to stand up and say #MeToo to end oppression. It’s often said that women can be their own worst enemies because sometimes we fail to support each other when facing ...
When we expect the worst, we are almost never disappointed. Either our expectation is fulfilled, or we are pleasantly surprised at a better outcome. And we can be pleased even if the result is less than the best possible. Furthermore, if we expect a poor outcome, we are less likely to ...
A Book about How Four Growing Institutions Control Human Thought, Behavior, and Identity, and How We Can Dismantle Them to Attain Justice, Freedom, Autonomy, Sustainability, Biodiversity, and Human and Ecological Well-being
He can only attain greatness and satisfaction by service. — Harry S. Truman 221 They that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil. — Paul ...
I will write more often. If not everyday than at least 4/7 days of the week. I can’t call myself a writer if I don’t actually do that. I will not live vicariously through other people’s social media accounts. I will attain a better understanding of food and develop a healthier...
Suddenly Venerable Tenzin Palmo's vow to "attain enlightenment in the female form, no matter how many lifetimes it takes¨ seems perfectly possible despite there having been [...] 这里突然间响起 了庄严的 Tenzin Palmo 宣誓:“虽然在历史上没有女性作 为宗教的领袖,也 没 有女...
In this study, art therapy primarily refers to the “visual arts as therapy” approach, where users primarily view online digital art exhibitions to experience aesthetic pleasure, emotional release, and emotional resonance with the artworks and to attain a state of relaxation, thereby reducing mental...
[12]. Currently, sending and receiving countries are scrambling to devise policies to attain their migration goals. The problems that would be generated by massive immigration flows mean that countries will need to solve their problems of high fertility, low fertility, and/or population aging ...