Knowing where the person is coming from will help you connect with them. Keep their confidence: Even if you really want your friend to get more social support from others, don't share what they're going through until you've asked for permission to loop someone else in, says Rachel. She...
How to tell someone you have OCD, without embarrassing yourselfAnnabelle RC
A person withlowself esteem might experience heavy self criticism, chronic indecision, eagerness to please others, perfectionism, neurotic guilt, pessimism and envy. I think you can see why people with OCD struggle with low self esteem…. So the question is, can we raise it while still dealing...
“They may not be aware that they’re staring—they’re just into whatever is happening. I’d say it’s actually more like observing, but it can come across to others as staring.” How to get help for compulsive staring or staring OCD If your thoughts and behaviors related to staring...
I am immunocompromised, asthmatic, and anxious so the return to normalcy in this pandemic hasn't happened for me. One of the toughest things for me socially has been feeling safe and not soon to be ill when eating with others whose health status I am unaware of. Someone recently introduced...
They believe they aren’t strong enough to deal with the intrusive thoughts and that if others found out, they would look down on them. This can prevent them from seeking the professional help they need to face it head-on. However, an OCD treatment program in Los Angeles, California, can...
Some people can accept that even though they may see their defects as obvious and unattractive, they know that they probably look "normal". However, others with BDD really believe that they appear to others as they do to themselves, that the defects they see in the mirror truly exist. ...
How do I take it out from there, so that it will be listed with all the others -> I can’t dragging it out, it doesn’t work! Problem 2 One of the emails’ accounts do not work anymore because mail says that the username and/or password are wrong -> I checked the settings of...
For some of you, and for some obsessions, you can postpone for 1 1/2 hours or more. For others of you, waiting 30 seconds will be a significant challenge. It really doesn’t matter how long you pick to start with. It’s relative to your capacity. As soon as you postpone even for...
Can you have both OCD and GAD? While most people with GAD do not have OCD, it is fairly common for people with OCD to also have GAD. The simplest way to conceptualize this is that some people with OCD tend to over-think“real-life”issues just as they overthink the mostly implausible...