In this article, we provide a model that captures the decision making process of impulse buying in social commerce (i.e., on online daily deal websites based on social me..
So I decided that there must be some way of getting the better of it, and determined to do a lot of research and write a little book on How to Sleep Soundly. Was that an idea? No, up to that point it was merely an impulse. The idea only appeared after I did the research and ...
The co-existence of solutions can be demonstrated without least squares and can be graphically demonstrated by pushing the poles of the closed–loop system further into the left–hand–plane. For all results hereafter, the DC gain is computed from Equation (7), and the error e is simply the...
EKGs provide useful data and can help detect various problems related to heart function. One basic determination that can be made with an EKG is the heart rate, which can be determined by measuring the distance between peaks. Diagnosis of certain medical problems is also possible. For example,...