How can I save an image and a small description (text) in PDF using ASP.NET?Mafiev Dev 1 Reputation point Oct 1, 2021, 5:06 PM i need to export some images and text dynamically to PDF files in C#, what is the simplest way to do this ?
it should be possible, as Sublime Text allows, to save each set of results in a separate document, with the query at the top, in order to know who corresponds to what, but DW doesn't handle this (despite the large number of feature requests I have posted on this subject for...
Is there a way to download text messages Is there a way to download text messages to save them? 2 years ago 1628 2 Saving messages on i13 How do I save messages on i13 ? 2 years ago 336 2 save text messages in icloud how to save text messages in icloud 2 years ago 293...
Text messages Can anyone tell me why does my text thread vanish all besides 2 text from the thread 2 years ago 130 1 iMessage: Sending a message via Text (SMS) instead of iMessage Does anyone have this issue as well: I'm unable to force/choose for a message to be sent via text...
I can't have my app creating a directory in that location or using a file from there. I could save all of these settings with a text file, but it seems like a lot of room for error. They don't all get saved at once; a user may change one setting at one point and another ...
I can't even copy and paste the text from Ilustrator to Notes, Pages, or Word... so either way I'm f***ed and have to retype it, or I have to save it as a PDF and then copy it from there. Times like this when I want to completely make the transition to Affinity. I'...
Press and hold on to a thread. Tap on theArchivebutton (box with an arrow pointing down). You can now use the instructions in the second section of this guide to unarchive messages. If you really want to future-proof yourself, you can make it so that swiping a text message to either...
How can i save Angle and [Color] to UserDefaults ? Hi everyone I'm new to SwiftUI and i try to make a simple app for random choices,So when you create a list choices that will turn to a Spin-WheelView.For now, I face two problems: First. I don't know how save Angle and Array...
I am creating my first blog post. I would like to add a link to my about me page. In the future I would also like to link to other artist websites as well. There is an "insert link" button available but it will not let me use it. Why? How can I do this? Solved! Go to ...
The entire thread of texts between my son and I has disappeared from my phone and now when I try to text him I receive an "unable to send text" message. This happened after I had sent him a text that included a picture. I can still receive texts from him. No other text threads se...