How do I reply to a discussion as a student? You can easily reply to any discussion. However, the reply option may vary depending upon how your instructor set up the discussion.Discussion replies can be edited or deleted, as long as your instructor has not restricted this setting in yo...
Nancy White has just made apostreferring to some ideas fromTeresa Nielsen Haydenon how to cultivate community in a blog environment. I think the suggestions are practical and useful. But I still have some basic questions. Should I respond to comments with comments of my own? Should I include...
How to Respond to a Complaint When the Customer is Wrong: 7 Ways When interacting with customers, maintaining politeness and professionalism is very important. However, there may be instances when customers put you in a challenging position. In this discussion, we will explore seven effective appro...
As an instructor, you can create a discussion for your course. This lesson outlines a variety of options to choose from in order to customize a discussion for your course. Notes: Discussions can begradedor ungraded. Ifa student attaches a fileto an ungraded discussion, the file size ...
Respond in a timely manner with an apology and a plan of action. Fontanella recommends having a canned response ready that you can adapt for situations like these: “While you never want to use the same response for different customers, canned respon...
[This post has been reproduced with permission from Tanya Golash-Boza. It was originally published on herblog.] When I submit an article to a top journal, often, the best possible outcome I can hope for is that the editors will invite me to respond to the revie...
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If your partner profile has been rejected in the verification process you can appeal the deision. Follow these steps
there are very few successful cases that can calm the public opinion with a single response. More often, the response got no attention at all, or even worse, the response triggers a new round of public discussion in ...
Easy Steps to Write a Position Paper How to Write a Summary, Analysis, and Response Essay Paper With Examples How to Address Envelopes for College Recommendation Letters How to Write a Reading Response Essay With Sample Papers