If you don’t consume enough calories while breastfeeding, it can affect your energy levels, overall health, and potentially your milk supply. It’s important to eat sufficient, nutrient-rich foods to support lactation and your well-being. How Do I Know If I Am Eating Enough While Breastfe...
Many of you have asked how many calories you should be eating when you’re trying to lose weight while breastfeeding. This is a tricky one because it’s different for everyone. I’ll go over some of the factors so you have the info you need to make the best decision for you personall...
Tips to Lose Weight After a C-section BreastFeeding One of the best ways to help your body heal and to start losing weight is to breastfeed. Breastfeeding can help you burn calories, and it also has many other benefits for both you and your baby. It is important to note that you sho...
to learn what's considered a portion size by dietitians. For example, a portion of protein, like a hamburger patty or chicken breast, should be the size of a deck of cards. A serving of cooked pasta is half a cup. Sticking to modest portions like these can help you lose weight. ...
Can You Lose Weight Fast? You want to drop pounds, now. And you want to do it safely. But how? Losing Weight Safely Many experts say it’s best to lose weight gradually. It’s more likely to stay off. If you shed pounds too fast, you’ll lose muscle, bone, and water instead ...
Not everyone feels hungry in the morning, but instead of skipping breakfast you can start off your day with aHealthy Mummy smoothie. Unlike other weight loss shakes, our range of smoothies are only nutritionally beneficial and they are also breastfeeding-friendly. ...
While it may help to get you to your pre-pregnancy weight slightly quicker, that depends more on your lifestyle and activity level. Is It Safe to Lose Weight While Breastfeeding? Restricting calories while breastfeeding can negatively impact your milk supply. According to the Academy of ...
different factors, but stress is the most certainly involved. According to Harvard Health Publications, men and women react differently to stressful situations. While men sometimes use sex as a way to relieve stress, women are particularly susceptible to the effects stress can have on one’s sex...
The system allows your baby to continue to suck at your breast, avoiding any preference for a bottle, while also stimulating your milk production. An SNS is often used if a mother has a low milk supply, but it can also be used by partners and by adoptive parents. ...
Did you know that you can safely exercise while breastfeeding, without affecting your milk supply? Studies show that even intense exercise does not change the quality or quantity of a mother’s milk supply. Nor does it affect your baby’s weight gain. But you do need to make sure you ...