Setting off to learn how to start trading stocks is a long road The process to learn how to trade stocks can be challenging. There is no quick fix to becoming a stock trading master overnight. You will have to work at it, and endure some potentially boring moments to go with the event...
Setting off to learn how to start trading stocks is a long road The process to learn how to trade stocks can be challenging. There is no quick fix to becoming a stock trading master overnight. You will have to work at it, and endure some potentially boring moments to go with the event...
投资或投机股票以获得利润是可以的,但钱不能在这一年当中日复一日、周复一周地用来交易,那是不可能获利的,我们也不能这样做,只有愚蠢、蛮干的人才会这样做。 (查看原文) 麦麦 2016-04-22 16:55:44 —— 引自第12页 为了投资或投机成功,我们必须形成一个自己的观点,目的是对股票下一刻的动向做出判断。
He wrote down all his secrets in the 1940 published book "How To Trade In Stocks." Here are the 8 Key Points important for Today's Investors. 1. Nothing New The way to success in the markets always remains the same. It was the same in 1920 as it is today. And it'll be that ...
1、阅读《How to Trade in Stocks》第9章和10章。 2、进行摘录,并结合自己的交易实践,撰写心得。 这两章看得我头大无比。看着看着就开始晕。晕了好几回。最后我按照自己理解的整理了一下,自己觉得杰西.利物莫的行情记录规则应该是下面这样的情况: 其中一种走势:上升 -- 回撤 - 回升 - 上升的简要模式。
Examine the stocks you might want to trade, using fundamental and technical analysis to make informed decisions. Learn about order types. Understanding how each works, along with their risks and advantages, will help you make better decisions when placing trades. ...
1、投机是世界上最吸引人的游戏。但三种人不适合炒股这种投机:1)懒笨的;2)自制力差的;3)想暴富的。 2、任何想要开始投机的人,都应该把投机看成是一门生意,并且把它当作生意来经营,而不是把它当作一种赌博。在我看来,证券市场的所谓投资者,只不过是大赌家。他们下好注,坚决持有,如果赌错了,那就全赔了。
how to trade in stocks(二) 2522019-07 3 how to trade in stocks(三) 1922019-07 4 how to trade in stocks(四) 1702019-07 5 how to trade in stocks(五) 1762019-07 6 how to trade in stocks(六) 1472019-07 7 how to trade in stocks(七) 1352019-07 8 how to trade in stocks(八) ...
1、阅读《How to Trade in Stocks》第1章和第2章。 2、进行摘录,并结合自己的交易实践,撰写心得。 3、总结其中一般性的交易原则。 4、总结出现的杰西·利物莫的交易策略。 功课说明: 本次功课单独发帖,帖子标题为《第十五次功课:〈How to Trade in Stocks〉第1章和2章》,将网址回复到本贴中。 大家在春...
Learn how to begin trading stocks by learning stock market fundamentals, understanding trends, and more. Get informed and start trading confidently today.