How to Get Rid of Rabbits HumanelyRabbits can create havoc on your property, and getting rid of them requires an integrated approach. Below, Havahart® shares step-by-step instructions that teach you how to trap, repel and exclude rabbits so you can keep your yard and vegetable garden ...
Rabbits are voracious eaters and leave clean-cut damage. Check the leaves and stems of your plants for cleanly cut damage; insects and other pests usually leave jagged edges on damaged plants. This clean-cut damage often happens at ground level, as rabbits tend to eat the yummy green shoots ...
How to Get Rid of Cats Humanely Whether you are interested in ridding feral cats from your property or participating in Trap, Neuter, and Release programs, Havahart® has a variety of solutions for their control - including feral cat traps, rescue kits, and animal repellents. Learn more by...
See more about common garden pests likerabbitsandmoles. Garden Pests About The Author Catherine Boeckmann Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website,...
To get rid of those pesky snails and slugs in your garden without the use of chemical treatments, start by removing the pests by hand, searching them out in the evening. Doing that chore daily at first, and then weekly as the population dies down, will r
Owls prey on chickens, ducks, rabbits, and other small farm animals, so properly shelter these types of animals after dusk in a covered enclosure that excludes owls. Since owls may also prey on cats and small dogs, keep yourpets safely insidefrom dusk until dawn. If you have to take your...
Get rid of squirrels Get rid of rabbits Get rid of moles and voles Next Free: The Holistic Gardening Handbook Philsays: A good old fashioned approach to getting them one at a time. Thanks for sharing Carol. hgsl1234says: Philsays:
Place wire fencing orhardware clotharound gardens and even compost piles to keep groundhogs out. (Groundhogs sometimes dig through compost to find tasty bits of produce.) A groundhog-proof fence also keeps rabbits and deer out of the garden. Build a fence at least 3 feet high, with another...
How Do Rabbits Sweat? i As the owner of a rabbit, it is your responsibility to know when temperatures are too high for your bunny's safety. Bunnies can sweat, but they do not sweat a lot; and their ability to cool their bodies by sweating is limited. Keeping your bunny cool is the...
The duct tape trick works well to get rid of squash bug adults too. When you tap them with the tape, they stick right to it! (Though I do pinch the tape around them to make sure they don’t fall off.) Hand Held Vacuum Cleaner ...