Before registering, open up your school’s general education or core curriculum and course catalog and read it thoroughly. This is a great opportunity to explore majors or classes that interest you. If you have already declared a major, be sure to look closely at its course and credit ...
You will then be asked to upload documentary proof to confirm your home school status. The document must show your first and last name, the name of the home school or home school association and be dated within the last three months. Official letters from curriculum providers o...
In the highly stratified German school system, following the completion of primary school (typically with grade 4), families can choose between three major secondary school tracks of different length and curriculum: Hauptschule (low track), Realschule (intermediate track degree) and Gymnasium (...
Most of us were not home schooled, so we have to learn how to home school, "and" we have to teach our children. But don't worry. You have many years to teach your children, and home schooling is a lot more efficient than a classroom with 25 plus children in it, so even if you...
Kress, Gunther R. 2001. `You've just got to learn how to see': curriculum subjects, young people and schooled engagement with the world. Linguistics and Education 11: 401A15.You’ve just got to learn how to see’: Curriculum subjects, young people and schooled engagement with the world ...
If the student doesn’t understand something, the parent-teacher can then stick on that topic until mastery is obtained. In the classroom, this is not possible. Teachers need to cover a set curriculum over the course of the year. The converse is true as well, if a student demonstrates ...
learn and their corresponding subjects so I could reassure myself that learning was happening constantly. My “traditional-schooled” brain had a hard time grasping this concept, but after I printed this list and stuck it on the fridge, I was reminded daily that there are countless ways we ...
“During our seven years of homeschooling we have used several approaches, including a unit study curriculum. Then we began using some of this and a little of that and doing lots of field trips, having more of an eclectic approach. For a couple years we ‘co-op’ schooled with my sister...
Pulling in more data allows higher-ed institutions to use the power of artificial intelligence (A.I.) and machine learning in education. This can allow for things like learning and content analytics for personalized learning, active learning and experimental design to make learning more efficient, ...
I have to admit, andthe wallswould certainly tell you, I amdreadingthe thought of starting a new homeschool year. I’ve never faced such a lack of motivation towards Sprite’s academics. Normally I’meagerto plunge into new curriculum and new books.What’s going on with me?