Locate any state where the corporation is doing business. A corporation registers with a home state where it organized and filed articles of incorporation and with every other state where it conducts business. Conducting business includes maintaining an office or facility within the state, operating r...
Articles of organization if your business is an LLC Articles of incorporation if your business is a corporation Your business license Having these documents primed and ready can streamline the application process and get your account opened faster.Business...
If you decide to convert from an LLC to a Corporation, you’ll file an Articles of Incorporation (with a statement of conversion). Along with converting the business entity itself, you’ll be able to swap “Inc.” for “LLC”. You can find more info on California business conversions ...
Acharter, also known as your “articles of incorporation,” is akin to your organization’s constitution. It establishes why your nonprofit exists in the first place, and puts core structures into practice. Bylawsare the rules which keep the organization running, and are meant to support the go...
Can I set up an S corp myself? While it’s possible to file articles of incorporation and go through the S corporation election process on your own, S corp requirements are strict and complex. It’s recommended you consult an attorney or tax professional. by Michael Keenan Last updated Dec...
Forming acorporationin California is a simple process that is achieved by filing the Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. In the guide below, we will show you step-by-stephow to incorporate in California. Step 1: Create a Name For Your California Corporation ...
The Benefits of Business Incorporation What are the advantages of incorporating your business? Why incorporate as an S or C Corp? Learn the pros and cons of S corporations and C corporations. S Corporation Advantages & Disadvantages Learn about creating an S Corp (S Corporation), its asset...
Because the LLC I first created was online, I cannot apply for the “ownership” LLC’s EIN online. Both our LLC as well as the “ownership” LLC have been approved by the secretary of state’s website and have articles of incorporation. According to IRS instructions on filling out the ...
These offices function as registries of records relating to the companies registered with them, which are available for inspection by members of the public on payment of the prescribed fee. The Registrars of Companies in different States primarily deal with the Incorporation of companies, change of ...
By using one of the online incorporation services above, you can get up and running in an hour or two, and open the online store you’ve been dreaming of. Read more Hawaii LLC: How To Start an LLC in Hawaii in 11 Easy Steps Do I Need to Get a Business License for My New Company...