I recommend you contact a lawyer or specialist before deciding where to open a bank account in China. Also, are you not sure if you need to open a bank account in China? Consider this: if you want to buy China train tickets online, set up your phone to pay with WeChat, or do any...
A higher fee may be worth it if the lawyer can: Get a better outcome. Save you money in the long run. Resolve the matter more quickly. Payment Plans and Financial Considerations Since hiring a lawyer may cost a significant amount of money, some lawyers may allow you to set up a payment...
According to Billy Garde, a lawyer who wa a member of BP's Alask a inquiry team, they "have ess rights than prisoners". A bill introduce d last ye by Senator Daniel Akak a to improve protection for th em is currently stuck in congressional committees In Britain, the Public Interest ...
have them removed. I get a lot of my preliminary questions answered when I go to theTexas State Law Library online, and while I get answers from there I always seek legal council and I do as my lawyer advises (trust me, in my opinion, a good lawyer is worth their weight in gold)....
One great way to prepare for a career as a lawyer is to get involved with a speech and debate team or a mock trial team. Those extracurricular activities can help students learn to argue persuasively, lawyers explain, adding that drama also provides solid preparation for a legal career s...
Like most of the people we spoke to, Roy Farmer couldn't find a lawyer to help him. There's little financial incentive for attorneys to take on these cases. It took Farmer nine months to get the documents in his Social Security file. He was looking for the ...
250 million Americans can't afford a lawyer. 250 million Americans need this course. Help them by pointing them to this website. You'll get an email report each time you make a sale. It's easy and just take a few minutes to set up. ...
You can get free legal advice in Nigeria from private lawyers who practice in the country. However, there are only a few private lawyers who offer such service and these lawyers term such service as “pro bono” work. The only way to find out if a lawyer offers free legal advice is to...
When You Use These CanLaw Services, Lawyers Will Recognize That You Are A Serious Client And Will Respond Faster And You Will Get Preferential Treatment BEFORE YOU HIRE A LAWYER Look at alternative sources to resolve your legal issues. For example: A phone call to the other side, may sort ...
How a Paralegal's Job Differs From a Lawyer's A paralegal's responsibilities vary depending on how much work is delegated to him or her by the attorney for whom he or she works. However, in general, a paralegal will write correspondence and documents that a supervising attorney can lo...