A type change occurs when faults or virtues become so prevalent in a breed that they eventually are considered a breed virtue. Some changes can have a negative impact on the breed if the fault diminishes the dog’s quality of life, movement, or well-being - as was the result of extreme...
You might wonder, can a neutered dog still breed, or can a male dog still mate after being neutered? Yes, it can. Male dogs can not only mate, but also ejaculate healthy sperm for up to six weeks. One thing to note is that in the case of female dogs, the process is known as sp...
Notably, you should not stretch your dog’s legs for him to stand upright. Dogs are not very comfortable when forced to stand upright. Instead, you can get a partner who can hold up the dog treat with their hand closed, which can make your dog stand upright by himself. When they stand...
Based on this, we can confidently say that House Train Any Dog's techniques will help you to house train your dog or puppy, or we will give you your money back! These techniques have worked for hundreds of dogs and their frustrated owners. Just take a look at a few of our testimonia...
Yes, puppies can absolutely have treats! The amount of treats you give your puppy depends on a few factors, though, includinghow much you should be feeding your puppybased on breed, size and age. Reach out to your veterinarian to find out the specifics of what and how much food your pu...
Which Toy Is Ideal for My Dog’s Breed? A smart location to start your quest for the ideal toy for your dog is its breed. Although each of our dogs is unique, their genetic makeup can provide insight into what interests them and what toys are best left unopened (stuffed animals, for...
Question:I introduced a new puppy to my three cats. My older dog passed earlier this year, so I didn’t think there would be a problem. The two older cats have accepted him, but after roughly six weeks my youngest cat continues to attack the puppy for no reason. What can I do?
although this can only be done by palpation or ultrasound between days 21 to 31 or using X-rays after 47 days. Based on this, your vet can determine how safe or risky the labor may be based on several factors, including your dog’s breed, age and health, and the expected size of th...
Greyhounds are a beloved breed of dog that have been around for thousands of... Read More May 25, 2021 0comments Can Great Danes Be Service Dogs When you think of distinctive dog breeds, Great Danes instantly come to mind. This... ...
Dogs, just like us humans, need social interaction, and knowing how to socialize with a dog can be a challenge. Either with other people or with their fellow dogs, social interaction and social skills are vital for all dogs regardless of breed, age, sex, or purpose. ...