High Blood Pressure. What It Means for You, and How to Control ItRichard OgilvieO'Brien. E. & O'Malley, K. (1982). High blood pressure: What it means for you and how to control it. Australia: Methuen.
Damage your blood vessels. High blood pressure can damage the inner lining of our arteries, causing them to become narrowed and less elastic, limiting blood flow. A section of a weakened artery also can form a bulge, or aneurysm. A ruptured aneurysm can be life threatening. Damage your heart...
The data show that high blood pressure has certain heredity. If both parents have high blood pressure, the incidence of high blood pressure in their children can reach 46%. If one parent has high blood pressure, the incidence of high blood pressure in children is 28%. When parents have nor...
Q. What can I eat to lower my blood pressure immediately? A: Blood pressure cannot be lowered right away. It may take a few hours to come down to normal with the help of the right kinds of food and the necessary medication. That said, eating high potassium fruits like banana and water...
Hypertension is the fancy name for high blood pressure. It refers to any blood pressure reading that is not below 120/80, where the top number is the systolic blood pressure (the pressure when the heart beats) and the bottom number is the diastolic blood pressure (the pressure between bea...
Professor Vlachopoulos concluded: "Our study shows thathigh blood pressurecan be treated without causingerectile dysfunction. Patients and doctors need to have open discussions to find the best treatment option." More information:Abstract title: Association between office blood pressure, antihypertensive me...
9 What Causes High Blood Pressure? Short answer: Lots of things. Some are avoidable. Others, not so much. Do everything you can to lessen these risk factors. Stress. Psychological stressors, both past and present, can contribute to high blood pressure.4,5 Worrying does, too. Diet. ...
Using data from the electronic medical records system of a large, multi-clinic internal medicine practice, Dr. Kressin and colleagues looked at how organizational factors affected time to bring high blood pressure under control. The study focused on approximately 7,400 patients who had episodes of...
It is possible that with regular exercise, high blood pressure can be prevented or controlled. Sometimes moderate-level aerobic activities, such as brisk walking for 30 minutes a day, may be enough to decrease or eliminate medications. Exercise definitely can help medications work more effectively....
It is possible that with regular exercise, high blood pressure can be prevented or controlled. Sometimes moderate-level aerobic activities, such as brisk walking for 30 minutes a day, may be enough to decrease or eliminate medications. Exercise definitely can help medications work more effectively....