me Then you'll most definitely miss me When I'm gone God, you make me sing Funny things about you You infect my mind All the time, you do I just can't contain myself In fact I'm worried I may lose my health I can't sleep, eat or hardly breathe I can hardly ever watch you...
Dear God, I’m not very good at praying, but I know I need you. I have sinned; there is no doubt about that. Every day I struggle with sin. I am tired of trying to run my life. I can’t do it. Lord, I give you my life. All of it. I ask Your Son Jesus to be my Sa...
README FPSLocker Warehouse Here you will find a list with 30 FPS locked games, if they have FPSLocker configs that allow going above 30 FPS, tweak dynamic resolution frame timing for better performance, etc. At the end of README you can also find a separate list of configs for games tha...
Robert Murray M’Cheyen, a nineteenth-century Scottish pastor, often prayed, “Lord, make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be made.” This pastor died when he was only 29 years old, but in his last year, he wrote about the examination of his heart and life, writing, “If I wou...
Daniel is a caring father.He loves his wife and children, providing the best he can for them. The only problem is that he flies into temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. He is deeply ashamed after screaming at his children and raging at his wife. He has a wounded inner child. ...
An act of contrition is an expression to God of the sorrow of the penitent. There is no required formula for this and it may be very simple such as “Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” The Handbook of Prayers offers the following prayer: O my God, I am hearti...
‘God be merciful to me a sinner.’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other. For everyone who exults himself shall be humbled but he who humbles himself shall be exulted.”Come with Honesty and Faith...
If I know that a course of action is gravely sinful, and I freely choose it, I’ve chosen some sin over God. I don’t need to make an internal speech telling God to get lost, because I’ve already done this by my actions . . .evenif I try to delude myself that I can serve...
Jesus, the Name I love so well,The Name I love to hear:No saint on earth its worth can tell,No heart conceive how dear.This Name shall shed its fragrance stillAlong this thorny road,Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hillThat leads me up to God.And there with all the blood-bought ...