【题目】五、完形填空How much can disabled people help with our world? Much 1than we can imagine sometimes!In a small village in Hebei, you can see green trees 2 theriverbank. However, this area was covered with rocks and weeds(杂草)about 16 years ago. The big 3 is all because of ...
These businesses may be "front companies" that actually do provide a good or service but whose real purpose is to clean the launderer's money. This method typically works in one of two ways: The launderer can combine his dirty money with the company's clean revenues — in this case, the...
Technology offers many different ways to help people with disabilities lead more normal lives. Devices that help them perform an activity are called assistive technology. Assistive technology can help people reach their personal and professional goals. The invention of the telephone might not have been...
Poker can be a fun pastime with family and friends, and even can be a way to make money. However, poker and other forms of gambling can also be a way to lose tremendous amounts of money. Gambling addiction is a serious problem. Take Kenny Rogers' advice: "Know when to walk away."...
This can be difficult to do sometimes. In fact, budgeting your money can seem daunting,especially since people usually make it much more complicated than it needs to be. These easy tips will help you see that sticking to a budget is not nearly as difficult as it seems!
We can donate our pocket money. We can walk up to help the disabled to cross the street. We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them, by calling them, by emailing them, by whatever means. However, don’t always think we are better than the disabled. As normal people, we ...
Selling stuff that you don't need or picked up at a discount is a popular way to make money over the web.Frank van Delft/Getty Images Most people today are familiar with the concept: You have things you don't necessarily need but others are willing to buy, and you can auction off th...
Blip.tv, like YouTube, has a feature where you can upload video clips directly from a cell phone or other mobile device. So if you're inspired to make a video blog post while standing on the subway, you can. Another feature of many video-sharing sites is the ability to earn money ...
And -- in a stunning turn of misfortune -- both of those people suffered a catastrophic accident as well. Jimmy's injured and out of work; he's got his own problems and can't pay out on the claims any more than you can. Jimmy declares bankruptcy, and the chain reaction continues ad...
You can't simply look at your paycheck and say, "Yes, I qualify," or, "No, I don't." Governments make a distinction between gross and net income for qualifying people who need help. Your paycheck and any other earnings that come into your home are your gross income. Your net income...