A case study in how harmful alcohol consumption can be. The Lancet 373(9682 - Jürgen, Room - 2009 () Citation Context ... reports stress the link between declining health, particularly among working aged men, and the culturally embedded practices of a variety of negative health behaviors in...
It can also slow breathing and lower body temperature, which can be life threatening. In the short term, alcohol can cause blackouts -- short-term memory lapses in which people forget what occurred over entire stretches of time. The long-term effects on the brain can be even more damaging....
Don’t be afraid to seek professional help if you need it, as quitting alcohol addiction is a difficult journey that can benefit from guidance and support. Remember to be kind to yourself throughout your detox and celebrate small victories along the way. Every day without alcohol is a success...
How Alcohol Affects The Liver The liver breaks down and filters out harmful substances in the blood and manufactures the proteins, enzymes, and hormones the body uses to ward off infections. It also converts vitamins, nutrients, and medicines into substances that our bodies can use. The liver ...
A fifth mechanism linking alcohol to cancer suggests alcohol canact as a solvent for carcinogenic moleculesfrom other sources, such as tobacco smoke. These harmful particles dissolve in alcohol, and this makes it easier for them to penetrate various tissues and cause DNA damage within them. This ...
strategically. Even when the amount of alcohol consumed is the same, beer and clear liquors like vodka and gin may be less likely to cause a hangover than darker liquors like bourbon, whisky, and brandy. But if you do wake up with a hangover, there are few things you can do to aid ...
“Alcohol releases a histamine that dilates the blood’s capillaries,” Spizuoco explains. “And the net effect of that is redness of the skin.” However, Spizuoco warns that, when compounded over several years, this inflammation and redness can be permanent. A constant barrage results in a...
In order for our tools to be gender inclusive, it is important that they can be used to detect harmful drinking for every gender. My colleagues and I recently published a review paper that goes into detail about how gender-inclusive our widely-used alcohol harm detection tools are. ...
Harmful use of alcohol was also linked with about 5 percent of disease and injuries worldwide. The study was published recently in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. More information The U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has more on alcohol and...
It can also explore how individuals combine occasions across days, weeks and months to reach different levels of alcohol consumption. Using this information, researchers can also examine how to tailor interventions to the drinking occasions or target populations or individuals. Greater attention to ...