Over time, forward head posture can put increasing amounts of stress on the neck and other areas of the body. Some long-term effects of forward head posture can include: Muscle imbalances.Some muscles in the neck, upper back, shoulders, and chest can become shortened and tight, whereas othe...
"If you're a side sleeper, you might think that a hard pillow can hurt your neck, but it's usually a pillow that's too soft that makes you wake up with neck pain," Dasgupta said. "There's going to be a gap between your head and the mattress, so your pillow should serve as a...
If your neck is stiff or sore, you're not alone.Neck painis one of the most commontypes of painamong Americans. But as with any other part of your body, exercises and stretches can make the muscles in your neck stronger and more flexible. Try these moves to loosen a tense nec...
They can be caused by tension, congestion, constipation, or in some cases, preeclampsia (detected after 20 weeks). Headache relief during pregnancy: Put an ice pack on your forehead or the back of your neck. Rest, sit, or lie quietly in a low-lit room. Close your eyes and try to ...
Learn the top six guidelines for setting up an office chair to reduce back pain. Sitting in an office chair for prolonged periods of time can definitely cause low back pain or worsen an existing back or neck problem.
UAMS Health pain medicine physician Johnathan H. Goree, M.D. talks about pain management options through UAMS Health. Video Player UAMS Health Back and Neck Clinic: How Can I Manage Pain in My Back or Neck? Transcript I think it’s important to really point out the team-based approach. ...
How Chiropractic Relieves Neck PainIf you have pain in any part of your body, it can range from uncomfortable to downright debilitating. In the case of your neck, any degree of irritation can impede your ability to function. Because of this, it...Porterfield Family Chiropractic...
Oral cancer can cause canker sores in the throat or several throat wounds that are difficult to heal. Depending on the extent of the tumor, other symptoms can emerge, like difficulty swelling, hoarseness, weight loss and swollen lymph nodes along the neck. ...
BPain(疼痛) necks are very common these days. How to avoid a pain neck? Here are the things you shouldknow.Take precautions(预防措施) after an unusual activity. Many people report having a pain in their necksafter doing something that they don't often do, such as a new exercise or pac...
If you suffer from any type of back pain, neck pain or sciatica, I urge you to learn more about this breakthrough new treatment.Click here to learn more… Written By:Jesse Cannone Updated:May 12,2011 Tweet Share Share Pin1 1Shares ...