读书能打开心灵之窗How books can open your mind Lisa Bu在Ted英语演讲:当你从小就有的梦想无法成真,该怎么办呢?卜秋静一面适应在美国的新生活,一面从书籍中寻找解药、另辟事业路径。So I was trained to become a gymnast for two years in Hunan, China in the 1970s. When I was in the first ...
内容提示: [TED Talk] 卜秋静:书籍如何成为心灵解药 | How books can open your mind Lisa Bu | Lisa Bu, 2013 00:00:11 七十年代时我在中国湖南练过两年体操。 So I was trained to become a gymnast 00:00:14 七十年代时我在中国湖南练过两年体操。 for two years in Hunan, China in the 1970s....
《Ted Talk -How books can open your mind》经典语录名句经典语句欣赏:1.Coming true is not the only purpose of a dream. Its most important purpose is to get us in touch w...
HowBooksCanOpenYourMind LisaBu So I was trained to become a gymnast for two years in Hunan, China in the 1970s. When I was in the first grade, the government wanted to transfer me to a school for athletes, all expenses paid. But my tiger mother said, "No." My parents wanted me ...
Discusses suggestions on how institutions can protect itself against concerns over double billing and potential government scrutiny in the context of clinical trial research. Overall goal of a clinical trials assessment; One of the essential elements of a successful clinical trial.Murtha...
•Whatdoyouusuallyread?Shortstories?Novels?Newspapers?Ormagazines?InChineseorInEnglish?•Doyoureadjustforpleasureordoyoureadwithsomespecialpurpose?•TED:HowBooksCanOpenYourMindbyLisaBu TheAuthor AnnaQuindlentheJournalist•TheNewYorkTimescolumnistuntil1994•PulitzerPrizeforCommentaryin1992•Newsweekcolumnist...
How books can open your mind Lisa Bu 11:17 The beauty of human skin in every color Angélica Dass 06:07 A mysterious design that appears across millennia Terry Moore 19:32 It's time for infectious generosity. Here's how Chris Anderson ...
The Lions are a 6.5-point favorite against the Buccaneers. The Lions are 7-2 at home this season. Can Detroit continue this magical run, or will the Bucs disrupt the playoffs with another win? Watch the game on NBC to find out. If you are a cord-cutter, there are oth...