Meanwhile, the local Black Lives Matter chapter started mutual aid initiatives in all eight wards of the city to work to bring about some of the changes that they've yet to see from institutions. "We have built a stronger community and reimagined a world where we keep us safe and we can...
BLACK Lives Matter movementVIRTUE ethicsWOMANIST theologyWhat does it mean to claim that "lives" should be the cornerstone of ethical analysis and reflection? This question has been raised by the Black Lives Matter movement. However, public discussions of the movement have...
Give your cell phone a unique style all its own. This How Strong - Blue Lives Matter - Black Case was professionally created and printed in the United States in support of our police officers! Textured printing raises parts of the images, creating a uniq
SEE ALSO: Powerful Mannequin Challenge video highlights the Black Lives Matter movement The 56-foot tall tree atop the Macy's Men's store in Atlanta was lit with thousands of LED lights Sunday night as part of a holiday tradition. But in the middle of the lighting, activists from the Black...
With so much violence against Black Americans constantly on the news, it’s a natural and lovely impulse to want to support the people of color in your life. Remember, however, that it’s not just our intentions to provide support that matter; it’s alsohowwe enact support. If you’ve...
In “How Black Lives Matter Uses Social Media to Fight The Power,” the ubiquity of smartphones and easier access to have contributed to the success of investigations. Stephens describes,“It (social media) helped pressure the federal government to investigate police practices in Ferguson and Balti...
The Black Lives Matter movement hasn't come without its share of criticism. Some have called it anti-police, others anti-white; the majority of criticism has come from those on social media. The #BlackLivesMatter hashtag sparked another controversial hashtag as well, #AllLivesMatter. ...
How has Black Lives Matter been increasing its profile? ___ Through street protests and a strongA. social media campaign.B. Only through street protests. Only through a strong social media cC. ampaign.D. Through addressing their concerns. ...
Black Lives Matter However, Newman has no illusions about the visceral labor of dreaming. “When you’re Black and queer, you have to always be imagining.” Explaining further, Newman says, “I protect my brain at all costs. How do you do that in this world where you are sup...
Calling myself an advocate in the Black Lives Matter movement makes me uncomfortable. Even writing and publishing this post made me uncomfortable. Why I’m not entirely sure. I’m changing lanes or something. But I’m really not. Breast cancer, healthcare, disparity, politics and yes, even...