During the Ice Age, early humans lived alongside large animals like mammoths, saber-toothed cats and giant ground sloths. From cut marks on bones, researchers have deduced that early humans sometimes butchered and, presumably, ate the meat of these big creatures....
NARRATOR: Listen to part of a lecture in an archaeology class.FEMALE PROFESSOR: Between 11,000 and 10,000 B.C.E., North America was populated by a wide variety of great beasts like mammoths and mastodons—both elephant-like creatures with big tusks—and camels, giant sloths...mm, the ...
You'll also see a big celebration of kids on the fringe, those outsiders who were outsiders for a good reason -- intelligent, complex characters struggling to deal with the horrors of high school. In "Freaks and Geeks," the character of Neil Schweiber (Samm Levine) delivers a line about...
In 1872, the U.S. government signed the Yellowstone National Park Act into law and created what the National Park Service (NPS) refers to as "the world's first true national park." Today, there are thousands of national parks throughout the world, and four of them — Rocky Mountain, Me...
NARRATOR: Listen to part of a lecture in an archaeology class.FEMALE PROFESSOR: Between 11,000 and 10,000 B.C.E., North America was populated by a wide variety of great beasts like mammoths and mastodons—both elephant-like creatures with big tusks—and camels, giant sloths...mm, the ...