If you don't have an anti-virus software installed, do it immediately. It is essential to safeguard your system against malicious attacks. Conduct check-ups regularly to detect and fix minor issues. If left unchecked, these issues can snowball and become big. Also, make sure to update apps...
popular browser extensions like anti-virus software can also help detect and block potential threats before they have a chance to infect your system. However, it is still important for you to be aware of best practices when using your web browser, such as avoiding potentially dangerous links or...
Let's focus on immunity first, which is the ability of the immune system to fight against pathogens. If immunity is like an army, while the virus is the enemy force. When the enemy (germ) wants to invade us, the ...
Collecting all your favourite snacks and drinks, surrounding yourself with comfortable cushions and blankets, and then spending hours in front of a screen can be a truly therapeutic experience. Unfortunately, there is one big problem with this hobby: There is a limited amount ofcontentout there ...
My story is not unique but common among many children raised by narcissists and alcoholics. Narcissistic parents break their children down until they depend entirely on them for everything: food, warmth, and clothing. The child becomes an extension of the narcissist; they do whatever they say ...
2. Run an antivirus scan The most certain means of confirming malware on a device is to run an antivirus scan. Mobile antivirus can automatically scan downloads and warn about apps that might leak personal information, allow pop-up ads on your device, or drain your phone battery. ...
The big unknown for Africa, particularly countries like South Africa, is what the impact will be on populations with a high prevalence of HIV and TB. The epidemic has only broken out in countries with very low HIV prevalence, so we don't know to what extent individuals living with HIV mig...
Once the update is finished and your device restarts, your phone should start to cool down. 11. Malware or virus Any of the issues above can damage your phone, but none of them are as potent as malware. If you pick up a malware infection by using a fake app or clicking on an ...
"We've seen a big move in the past 10 years to make a lot of offices open and lots of shared spaces, and it's been wonderful in encouraging a nice open and healthy workplace culture and climate, but from an infection control perspective it's more challenging," Dr. ...
Spear phishingis a type of social engineering attack that targets big businesses or specific individuals. Spear phishing attacks are highly targeted toward powerful small groups or people, like corporate executives and celebrities. Social engineering attacks that use this method are often well-researched...