How big were Argentinosaurus? How long do whale sharks live in captivity? What shark has the strongest bite? How do whale sharks move? How do whale sharks breathe? How many rows of teeth do whale sharks have? What is a megalodon? What is the most aggressive shark? What genus is a shar...
The Cheetah Is a Rare Daytime Hunter Among Big Cats Trending in Animals The Slowest Animal in the World and 15 Fellow Slowpokes Male vs. Female Cats: Which Should You Adopt? The Biggest Bear Stands 5 Feet Tall on All Fours (Not Even on Its Hind Legs) ...
This T. rex wasn't very big, at least as far as Tyrannosaurus fossils go. But once it was excavated and wrapped in plaster for shipping, it was too heavy for the waiting helicopter to carry. The team split the fossil in two, breaking one of its femurs in the process. Fragments of ...
There had been a rupture, deep in amniote history. In the mammals—the last surviving therapsids, Triassic throwbacks still gamely hanging on in the dinosaurs’ shadow— ventilation was a matter of breathing in and breathing out again. Considered objectively, this is an inefficient way to get ...
The speed of dinosaurs can also be inferred from their body plans—that is, the relative sizes of their arms, legs, and trunks. The short, stumpy legs of the armored dinosaurAnkylosaurus, combined with its massive, low-slung torso, point to a reptile that was only capable of "running" as...
Clint Smith about his new book, How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America. We talk about the history of slavery in this country and how we approach, excavate, recognize, and react to that history — and how we have a responsibility and accountability ...
Mum:When it is walking, its great big feet made noise like thunder.Brontosauruseats plants .Lots of them . Q & A Q1:How big was the biggest dinosaur? As long as 3 buses and as heavy as 14 elephants! Argentinosaurus was thought to be the biggest ...