They're only 9 years old, but these girls and boys from around the world offer keen insight into how gender shapes destiny.
About a third of the planet’s food goes to waste, often because of its looks. That’s enough to feed two billion people.
The development of the online meal-delivery industry is a double-edged sword, with potential to both hamper and drive progress towards achievement of the S
He will need to sit on the loo for poos and until he’s big enough to do standing wees. I used a portable folding toilet seat and always had a pack of antibac wipes to hand. Portable potty is fine for initially if you’d rather but you can’t use that in the middle of a cafe...
This gave Umoja an avenue to enter the market in a big way. In 1993, they bought land in Kikambala in Mtwapa and set up a new factory. The newly-opened Umoja Rubber Products store at Diamond Plaza, Parklands, in Nairobi. FILE PHOTO | POOL ...
"As an example for myself, my family is 550 km from Nairobi. And it meant taking a whole day's journey to go and give my mother money every other time," Lopokoiyit said. The technology "changed it all and has been key in driving financial inclusion across the African continent." ...
One of the challenges Mr Mbugua faces is competition from big businesses in Eastleigh that sells at low prices. High costs are also a hindrance. “For example, a huge electricity bill eats into my profit margin thus making competition even harder,” he says. ...
If you in any city near the equator, like Nairobi, Kenya, each time zone is about 1,035 miles wide. But if you're at somewhere more north like Winnepeg, Canada, the time zone would only be about 675 miles wide. Here is a link to our Map of World Time Zones and an article on ...
Discuss Scarcity, Opportunity Costs, and the big three questions. Explain the concept of diminishing returns (to kids). Explain the importance, in today's world, of the concept of the law of scarcity and the law of diminishing marginal utility. "Scarcity implies that some way of rationing goo...
There is also a catch. Say you are sailing peacefully in your small boat, then this big yacht pulls up, and the captain tells you, “That boat is too small; get it on this big yacht”. You let go of your small boat that was cruising nicely, but along the way, you wil...