Being careful as a player is smart, especially in the beginning, when your PC could be felled by little more than a few stones to the head. But I am concerned that one of my players — a Barbarian, no less — is reflexively avoiding crumbs that would lead to a trail wit...
242 素描吧 cafacp 一名美国超写实画家的素描技法介绍译者已得到SparrowHawk7的授权将本教学帖发表在百度素描吧,希望能够为各位写实素描爱好者们提供一个有益的画法建议。本文严禁转载,且不得用于商业用途。cafacp, 2017年8月29日Clarifying a method of layering in realism讲讲写实素描中... 245956 胡宇崴吧 無崴...