In Africa, Egypt and Nigeria are almost exactly three-quarters the size of South Africa (but have far larger populations). Ukraine and France are almost exactly half the size of South Africa. Iraq and Japan are a third. Poland and Italy are a quarter of the size. The United Kingdom and...
Data suggests a trend of increasing average house sizes and bigger houses contribute to a biggerhome’s carbon footprint. The New York Times profiledGraham Hill’slifestyle in a420 square-foot(39 square-metre) apartment, a size comparable to the average homes in Hong Kong and India. Hill po...
The moon is a bit more than one-quarter (27 percent) the size of Earth, a much larger ratio (1:4) than any other planets and their moons. Earth's moon is the fifth largest moon in the solar system. "If Earth were the size of a nickel, the moon would be about as big as a ...
and if you look down below us, there's a big rotated block, um, that's near the present-day shoreline, and it is just inboard of the San Andreas Fault, the San Andreas Fault is, uh, about a quarter of a mile offshore here, and of course, that's one of the major crustal junc...
The moon is a quarter-million miles from Earth.Credit: Reid Wiseman / NASA AsEarth's natural satellite, the moon is our planet's closestspaceneighbor and companion, joining us for the over 365-day journey around the sun. But "close" is a relative term in the expanding universe. The moon...
America’s most special places will always be beautiful, but a warming climate forces us to accept that they can’t be frozen in time.
Sabine Island, near Greenland, was first discovered by the British geographer Sir Edward Saltine in 1823, but an 1869 map showed it was actually a quarter of a mile farther west than its discoverer had mapped. This interested Alfred Wegener, a young geographer working in Greenland in 1910. ...
Unlike moles, voles do not leave mounds of soil behind, but there are often quarter-sized burrow entrances throughout the area.Voles are mouse-like creatureswith an elongated snout. They’re active above ground both day and night, and their presence is most often noted in early spring when ...
property such as a house or land is a taxable event, but there is a big benefit for homeowners in the tax law. Individuals can exclude the first $250,000 of the gain from their taxable incomes, or $500,000 for couples who file jointly. In most cases, profit above those levels is ...
Water scarcity is a growing problem in many regions worldwide. According to the United Nations, around one-fifth of the world’s population lives in areas where water is scarce. Another one-quarter of the world’s population has to face water supply cuts, mainly because this proportion of th...