I know (individual) tiles need to be 16 x 16 px, but not sure about battle graphics for actors since I haven’t familiarized with making sideview spritesheets yet… What is the size of a typical RM2k3 sideview actor spritesheet and how big is a single ...
Tawra:This is a question that I receive frequently. Many people feel that the thought of budgeting is too daunting. My first thought about how to stick to a budget is thatif you set up a budget and can’t stick to it, either your budget, your spending or both are not realistic. Ther...
The markets are such that mini people want good money for a 12G295 head while Sprite/Midget folks are super keen to unload their engines with the same head.since mini 998 engines are nearly identical to 1098 engines, except for the crankshaft stroke and wrist pin placement in the piston, ...
With hair it's pretty much anything goes. If they are a plant-based character then why not make them grow leaves along with their hair? The only real rule here is to stay with your character's personality! You would not give a quiet, book-loving mouse girl a big red Mohawk. It ...
No high powered blender, no big mess, no freezer, no big chunks of ice, just smooth slushie goodness. This is the perfect drink for hot summer days when plain juice or soda doesn’t seem cold enough to quench your thirst and you don’t want to deal with melty popsicles.You can make...
How to Host a Harry Potter Party: Host a magical “Hogwarts at Night” event for adult fans of the Harry Potter series, filled with immersive wizarding world activities, from magical classes, to a make-your-own potion bar, a spell duel, a triwizard tourn
If they want a slice of the Stardew pie, then they have the ingredients already. They invented the ingredients. Imagine the meal pictured here is a big pie, to fit in with the analogy I'm making — Image: Kate Gray/Marvelous XSEED If [Marvelous XSEED] want a slice of the Sta...
The sprite ends up being 1.72KB larger than the three separate images. This isn’t a big difference, but there needs to be a good reason to accept this larger file… and there is! While the total image size (sometimes) goes up with sprites, several images are loaded with a single ...
The idea was that the computer could fetch a graphic into memory, and then only display parts of that image at a time, which was faster than having to continually fetch new images. The sprite was the big combined graphic. CSS Sprites is pretty much the exact same theory: get the image...
Advanced glycation endproducts: what is their relevance to diabetic complications? Diabetes Obes Metab. 2007 May;9(3):233-45. Fleming TH, Humpert PM, Nawroth PP, Bierhaus A. Reactive metabolites and AGE/RAGE-mediated cellular dysfunction affect the aging process: a mini review. Gerontology. ...