Error can occur in a calculation due to wrong reporting of a value by the checker. But a fundamental error always exists in any calculation, which is due to the least count of the apparatus used to measure quantities. Example, the least count of a metre scale is 1 mm. ...
difficult algebra examples declare a big decimal in java HOW TO program a ti-83 calculator to find the slope given two points System of Equations with the TI 83 multiplying monomials online calculator indianapolis tutor high school ti 89 binary conversions adding fractions with letters ...
ways to find a difference for even squared numbers Addison-Wesley Chemistry Workbook Answers pre algebra for idiots 6th grade math/integers finding root to a third order polynomial double cross answers- algebra with pizzazz trigometry worksheet how do u figure out if a decimal is a ir...
Multiple R-squared: 0.811, Adjusted R-squared: 0.811 F-statistic: 1.16e+03 on 1 and 270 DF, p-value: <2e-16 Answer As the p-value is much less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis that β = 0. Hence there is a significant relationship between the variables in the linear regres...
Just 50 years ago, no one knew why the Earth has mountains. Now we do. This is the story of how we figured it out - and how we keep learning.
(the amount of warming); 2.6, 4.5, 6.0, and 8.5 Watts per metre squared. Each pathway is named after it’s forcing e.g. RCP4.5. The lowestemission scenariois also referred to as RPC3PD, because it posits a peak warming of 3 w/m2by 2070 (~490ppmCO2and equivalents), and a ...
between the points is significant (greater than a few kilometers), but is very poor at smaller distances. The worst case being when the two points are equal or near equal, the result is a distance of 194 meters, while I need precision of at least 1 metre at distances >= 1 metre...
Big please and thankyou's all around to any whom respond *bows* If this is too childish or doesn't seem serious enough to solicite a response I assure you I am completely serious however, I completely understand. Feel free to delete this topic and if that is the case, please send me ...
The energy yield of matter annihilation is a simple case of mass-energy equivalence, and thus subject to the famous e equals mc squared. Which is to say, energy in joules equals the mass being annihilated in kilograms times the square of the speed of light in metres per second. The domina...
Natural gas here in Australia is 38.87MJ per cubic metre at atmospheric pressure. Both vary a bit, obviously, but we can use this for some guesstimates. So we see that 1lt petrol is equivalent in energy to 34.6/38.87 = 0.89m3 natural gas. An ABS survey [pdf- http://www.ausstats....