Goldfish Crackers are on sale for $1, pay just $0.50 if you buy in groups of 10. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese is on sale for $1, pay just $0.50 if you buy in groups of 10. Let’s say you want to buy 5 of each product. Your receipt would look like this: Goldfish Crackers $1 Gol...
There is a simple way to protect against disease, lose weight, and extend healthy life span. This method is not new to longtime Life Extension® members. Recent studies, however, mandate that we re-emphasize our food preparation guidelines. Put simply, when you ingest foods cooked at high ...
This is such a great idea! Love the organization of it all looks so much cleaner and organized. How do you pay for snacks and have so much? What’s your tips on this? Was it like you said on the goldfish snacks. Buy when on sale more than 1? As much as I tend t...
This is a fairly common mistake, and something that I’ve had happen to me countless times—maybe I’ve been especially active that day or just didn’t eat quite enough for dinner, and by the time 8pm rolls around, I need another small meal, not just a few chocolate covered almonds. ...
Third, you must pack ammunition for the smalls. Every child will have different dietary needs but this is what I apportion into small ziptop bags when we go fabric shopping: I will share this important tip: The larger the cracker, the more time you can buy before your child(ren)'s next...