How big is a micrometer? What is technetium-99m? How many nanograms are in 1 gram? What is the kilometer an SI unit of? What is 32 ft/h in yd/day? What is the metric unit for length? How many milliliters is 0.005L?
What is the mass of the sun? How big is the sun? What is Earth's radius, diameter, circumference and shape? Earth's widest point is the equator, which runs across the planet's center at zero degrees latitude. This is because Earth is not a perfect sphere; it has a prominence acr...
A parachute rig used by any sport skydiver today has six basic parts: There is the parachute itself, also known as the main canopy. There is the pilot chute -- a small (12 to 18-inch / 30 to 45-centimeter diameter) parachute that the skydiver uses to pull out and open the main ...
A parachute rig used by any sport skydiver today has six basic parts: There is the parachute itself, also known as the main canopy. There is the pilot chute -- a small (12 to 18-inch / 30 to 45-centimeter diameter) parachute that the skydiver uses to pull out and open the main ...
To be fair, plenty of other vehicles have what the HSB has, but not all-in-one -- a big difference, as we know from the likes of universal remotes, smartphones and Internet-connected, DVD-playing, Blu-ray-equipped video-gaming systems. The Hybrid Sports Bike is a three-in-one, and...
One common type of collision is between two neutron stars. Neutron stars are actually corpses of old stars -- when a star reaches the end of its life, it explodes, and a mass equivalent to the amount found in our sun condenses into an area the size of a city. When two are created ...
–Mass: 7.35 x 10^22 kg –Density: 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter (3.34 g/cm3) The moon is a bit more than one-quarter (27 percent) the size of Earth, a much larger ratio (1:4) than any other planets and their moons. Earth's moon is the fifth largest moon in the solar syste...
There is thepilotchute-- a small (12 to 18-inch / 30 to 45-centimeter diameter) parachute that the skydiver uses to pull out and open the main canopy. The skydiver throws out the pilot. It catches the wind and pulls on a 7 to 10-foot (2 to 3-meter) long piece of nylon webbin...
How the Cloud is Revolutionizing Storage Space Author's Note An Abridged History of Storage Space In 1956, IBM shipped the world's first hard disk drive, or HDD, in the RAMAC 305 system. The drive used 50 24-inch (61-centimeter) platters, stored a meager 5 megabytes of data and ...
For USGS topographic maps, 1:24,000 is the scale most often used. Maps based on metric units use a scale of 1:25,000, where one centimeter equals 0.25 kilometers. You'll find most of the United States mapped at the 1:24,000 scale, with only a few exceptions. Puerto Rico, for exa...