Planning your own wedding is both a joy and a challenge. When you're doing everything yourself, you want to maximize the fun part and minimize the hiccups. Gone are the days when you need to hire a professional to coordinate your wedding. Our personalize
But my problem is that my file is too big and I want to make it smaller. And I have tried changing the image size in photoshop and it just pixelates my image beyond belief. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply gator soup Advisor , Apr 02, 2014 ...
I guys, I'm sorry but AI is so hard to understand. Simple question: how can I resize in pixel my *.ai logo file in Illustrator and export in png? I would like to create a lot of version of my logo like 250x250, 12x12, 4000x1678 and I don't know how many...
I guys, I'm sorry but AI is so hard to understand. Simple question: how can I resize in pixel my *.ai logo file in Illustrator and export in png? I would like to create a lot of version of my logo like 250x250, 12x12, 4000x1678 and I don't know how man...