You can seed your compost pile with earthworms or buy special composting worms. As you add new layers and turn the compost, you will be mixing new layers of intact trash with partially decomposed layers. The partially and nearly finished material will settle to the bottom because the particles...
Can you guess why gardeners like earthworms? It's because they digest and pass soil through their bodies, loosening the soil and mixing nutrients. Plants grow better in looser soil with plenty of oxygen. Once you've seen the worms work, put them back where you got them. In our next ...
Balancing plants' water needs is like having a healthful diet. Everything should be consumed in moderation. Provide your plants with enough water for good health, but don't flood them with it. Most plants prefer steady moisture in the soil, especially in spring, so they can grow without int...
You can seed your compost pile with earthworms or buy special composting worms. As you add new layers and turn the compost, you will be mixing new layers of intact trash with partially decomposed layers. The partially and nearly finished material will settle to the bottom because the particles...
garden soil (Real soil from your yard or garden, even a couple shovels-full, which may include fungal networks and earthworms for building an ecosystem!) grass clippings kitchen scraps (egg shells, fruit, vegetable) leaf mold (leaves that have aged for two years) ...
The surplus of compost worms or earthworms help improve your garden soil the natural way, not forgetting big fat fishing worms. Since you will be producing your own compost you'll find yourself saving a lot of money from buying fertilizers and pesticides. ...
How big is an average amoeba? Do nematodes kill worms? Is a spiny headed worm a member of the phylum Annelida? How do nematodes grow? Roundworms are pseudocoelomic. This means that they have Are earthworms cestodes? What eats worms? Segmented worms are classified in which phylum? How do ...
Being different doesn’t have to be a negative thing. Without difference we wouldn’t have all the various cultures, religions and people that make up our world. Difference fosters change and helps our world to grow. Being inclusive of difference allows us to see things in a new way and ...
Another big plus: Composting with worm castings is an environmentally friendly way to recycle kitchen scraps that would normally end up in the garbage. In fact, many municipalities promote the use of vermicomposting as a way of keeping food waste out of local landfills. ...
. Spread a thick layer of soil-conditioning compost or well-rotted organic matter over the bare soil. You could also use shredded leaves. Lay it at least 4 inches deep. Fast forward a few months, and any grass and weeds below will have rotted down, while earthworms will work to ...