As experts understood more about the beginning of the universe and the Big Bang theory, they realized that galactic collisions were even more common in the early stages of time. Because the universe was much smaller, galaxies were huddled closer together, and, shooting out from the origin of t...
How big is Earth? In his book"Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space" (Random House, 1994), astronomer and science communicatorCarl Saganonce beautifully summed up how "big" Earth is for humanity. "That's home. That's us," Sagan wrote. "On it, everyone you love, ...
How big must a space rock be to no longer be just a mesmerizing sight? What size is big enough to wreck a whole city? And what else does the damage depend on?
Why do meteorites come from the asteroid belt? How many asteroids are in asteroid belt? How many asteroids are not in the asteroid belt? Is Mars near the asteroid belt? Does the asteroid belt have moons? How big are meteors in the asteroid belt?
How are asteroids formed in space? What features are visible in the Tycho crater? Where is the Tycho crater? How deep is the Tycho crater? How big is the Tycho crater? As early as the 17th century, Galileo saw ringberg (craters) on the moon. How were these formed?
The coins behave like galaxies: although they do not expand, the space between them does. Before the galaxies formed, matter that they contain was concentrated with infinite density at a single point from which it exploded in an event called the big bang. Even after it assembled into galaxies...
A big part of the amazement is the complexity. Space exploration is complicated because there are so many problems to solve and obstacles to overcome. You have things like: The vacuum of space Heat management problems The difficulty of re-entry Orbital mechanics Micrometeorites and space ...
Meteor showers are a game of patience. Wait long enough, and you will be treated to a spectacular sight. © When's the Next Meteor Shower? The first step is, of course, to find out if there is a meteor shower coming up in your city. Check out ourMeteor Sh...
Shiner:The big question is: “Where did life come from on Earth?” And all of NASA’s exploration, almost all in the planetary system, has been directed toward that. All of the Mars rovers are looking for the same thing. They’re on Mars performing tests with their own...
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Martian Meteorites and Mars Exploration)Download keyboard_arrow_down Versions Notes Abstract Mars is a planet of great interest in the search for signatures of past or present life beyond Earth. The years of research, and more advanced instrumentation, ...