So, I boughta lacebark (or Chinese) elm tree. It’s the perfect, low-maintenance shade tree that will fill the sky above above my backyard without dwarfing my quarter-acre suburban spread. A new tree is a great investment, too. It will: Bringmore birds and pollinator insectsinto the yar...
A cask or a quarter of a barrel Firkin A barrel is among the oldest units of measure, referring, predictably, to “the amount contained in a barrel.” Unlike other ancient vessels that today only refer to units of measure, like gallon and quart, barrel is still used today as the wor...
Despite their name, these tiny nozzles - about the size of a quarter - don't hang above the plants and drip but are actually laid along the ground. Linked to an appropriate water source by a mainfeeder hose, they provide a slow and steady flow of water. An alternative to drip irrigati...
To prevent this damage, twist heads a quarter turn to separate some roots and interrupt water uptake a week in advance of harvest. If heads are small at harvest, add nitrogen to the soil next season and plant earlier. If cabbage suddenly starts to flower, this is caused by temperatures of...
While illegal, pockets of prostitution exist, mostly near some of Saint Catherine Street's strip clubs in a very small red-light area that borders downtown and the Latin Quarter, and in the Gay Village on a small portion of Saint Catherine Street and on Ontario Street. But one thing to ...
The tomato is the most-prized vegetable we grow on our little farm. In fact, it dominates nearly a quarter of our entire garden space every year. If that wasn’t enough, we grow even more in our raised bucket planters on our back patio garden areas as well. ...
America’s most special places will always be beautiful, but a warming climate forces us to accept that they can’t be frozen in time.
How many feet in a mile (yard, meter, acre, kilometer, quarter mile) The yard is mainly used to measure lengths in both the British mathematical systems and the US mathematical systems. It is written as yd. or y. It is equal to a stick of length 3 feet and 36 inches. It was fixe...
“Obviously a quarter-inch-diameter twig is probably not going to smolder for five hours because there’s not going to be enough fuel,” said Vyto Babrauskas, a New York-based expert on smoldering fires. “But a big thing like a tree stump or a power...
Because they divide the year into four equal 90-day (ish) quarters, the equinoxes and solstices (or the cross-quarter days) serve as a great reminder that it’s time to do a goal review and set new goals. Have a look at either of the resources below to get started: How to Set ...