Some first-year students prefer or feel pressure to find a roommate on their own through social media or a mutual friend. But Monique Bates, director of residential life atLongwood Universityin Virginia, says not to "assume that how that person presents themselves to be on social media is who...
Schools were also responsible for identifying the families that wanted their children to participate. Partner schools received the curriculum, training, and mentor teacher services free of charge. They had to pay partner teachers, for any technology students needed to participate in the program, and ...
Some universities have mostly residential students, others mostly commuters. Some are MSIs (Minority Serving Institutions). Some focus on training students for particular professions (e.g., allied health, engineering); some emphasize a “liberal” education. Some promote service-learning, experiential ...
Option D:Residential colleges and universities are opportunities to live and learn with peers from very different world views. Think about a time that you encountered someone with an opinion or a position that you felt was contrary to either your belief or understanding of a topic. Describe the ...
In a residential building during an earthquake, if you are on the first floor or have easy access to an exit, you can quickly run outside to an open space. But make sure the path is clear of debris. If you are on an upper floor, do not jump out of the window. Instead, find a...
which has had trickle-down implications for residential security staff. Donning PPE, asking visitors and contractors health questions, monitoring capacity and distancing in common areas—these were not usually part of a residential security unit’s duties prior to March 2020, but now they are daily...
Although sell-by dates provide a general idea of when food will go bad, they are not safety dates. Trash from grocery stores and restaurants is also different from that of the average residential "herbie curbie." Stores usually bag discarded food separately from other trash. Some freegans...
Limiting your guests is especially necessary for short-term rentals in a quiet residential neighborhood. Noise complaints are more likely to happen if you have a large number of guests staying at your short-term rental at one time. So, to prevent neighbor complaints, you should limit the numbe...
Brette's Answer: 1) Sole legal and physical custody would mean you make all decisions and he has no rights to see her. 2) Sole legal and joint physical custody means you make all legal decisions and you share time with her. You would be the residential parent, the one your child lives...
BUT AS I MOVEinto the ambiguities of old age, where wonder often mixes with regret, my heart often grows heavier over what I see. My beloved New York is in a bad way. To be sure, many things are better: schools, food, race relations, public safety, even manners. The city is wealth...