A hair dryer needs only two parts to generate the blast of hot air that dries your hair: a simple motor-driven fan a heating element Hair dryers use the motor-driven fan and the heating element to transform electric energy into convective heat. The whole mechanism is really simple: When yo...
the process of bleaching is meant to remove the natural brassy orange tone in your hair. If it remains, your hair is either resistant to lifting (that’s why a colorist would normally do a patch test to see how your hair will react) or you rinsed the bleach too soon. This ...
A hair dryer needs only two parts to generate the blast of hot air that dries your hair: a simple motor-driven fan a heating element Hair dryers use the motor-driven fan and the heating element to transform electric energy into convective heat. The whole mechanism is really simple: When yo...
About Hair Fall 1 2 What is Hair Fall? Hair lossis also known by a Latin term, Alopecia, which is defined as partial or total loss of hair on your scalp or entire body. Hair loss can also be referred to as baldness when one is specifically discussing the scalp. This condition is not...
Here is how to clean your washing machine so it is shiny and scum-free, just like the day you bought it! These great cleaning tips for both top and front load washing machines. MY LATEST VIDEOS How to Easily Clean Your Washing Machine I know. I know. Laundry. *shudder* It’s bad ...
Bleaching white shirts to remove yellow stains often backfires, making them more noticeable. So pre-treating stains, as explained above, is a better solution. Medical Conditions: Rare conditions like chromhidrosis can cause sweat to appear yellow, green, or even blue. If you notice these ...
To understand hair porosity better, you need to learn about thestructureof your hair. The hair shaft (a strand of hair) is divided into three regions: Cuticle Cortex Medulla Thecuticleis the chemically resistant outermost layer of the strand. It’s made of flat, square cells that overlap eac...
Dr. Rhonda Kalasho is a leading cosmetic dentist in Hollywood and Beverly Hills. She is the founder of TruGlo Modern Dental and is renowned for her veneer expertise, internal bleaching, and full-mouth restoration. After graduating from UCLA, Dr. Kalasho expanded her expertise in surgical dentist...
Light Burn and Bleaching –Because some models of LEDs are so powerful, it’s important to avoid using LEDs incorrectly (for example keeping the panel too close to the top of your plants). Keeping LEDs too close to your plants can cause light burn, even when the grow space is completely...
Coloring your hair is achieved in two ways: either bleaching or staining. Bleaching To Go Lighter If you have darker hair and want to go lighter, you have to remove the color already in your hair. This is commonly done using hydrogen peroxide which reacts with melanin (the color molecules...