Everywhere you look,smart technology is making exciting leapsin healthcare, changing how people are cared for and their health issues treated. When it comes to teeth, we tend to take them for granted. We might only think about them when we’re in pain with a tooth cavity and need a dent...
This way of thinking completely discounts the even more earth-shattering “trim-your-stuff-simplify-your-life-say-goodbye-to-stress” aspect of freewheeling that attracted me to full-timing. While at-a-moment’s-notice-hinterland-splitting is certainly awesome, life on the road involves more (...
A Modern day “Boston Tea Party”, Americans all over America are mad as hell and are not going to take our government’s bad policies and back room decision making anymore. Here is the American publics’ response to government bailouts; stimulus packages and the putting us back to work to...