Every day24___ the day he had a 103-degree fever. I was 25___ .So I went to look for him after school. I found him running all alone. The sweat ran down his face and his eyes were glassy (呆滞)from his 26___ .Yet he looked straight ahead and 27___ running. We never ...
Kidney stones can indeed have a genetic component. While factors like diet, dehydration, medications, and specific medical conditions play roles in stone formation, there’s also a hereditary aspect. If family members, especially first-degree relatives, have had kidney stones, your risk might increa...
The scent of your pee is also indicative of good health. We all know how pee can smell. Although the scent isn’t always pleasant, if you have either a sweet, musty or strong odor, this can be a sign of major problems. A strong odor can indicate aurinary tract infection. A sweet s...
Because contraction — the loss of some 95% of cells that had proliferated in response to antigenic stimulation — is a normal part of immune homeostasis40, it was unclear at first the degree to which these observations were exaggerated in filoviruses compared with other acute infections. ...
The cut is on your face or near a joint, like on your fingers. The skin around the cut gets red and swollen or develops red streaks. Pus drains from the cut. You have a fever of more than 100.4 F (in either an adult or child). ...
The dissertation concludes that probing the 1898 yellow fever story makes obvious intimate minglings between the Republics of Haiti, Cuba, and the U.S., exposing a significant and material, albeit repressed historical triangle. Re-reading Pan American stories of yellow fever suggests further research...
With regard to educational attainment, 75% of the respondents in Shanghai had a sub-degree or bachelor's degree, compared to 44.7–57.1% in the other cities, with p < 0.001. In terms of marital status, 71.9% of the respondents in Hangzhou were married with children, compared to 25.5–...
scene: “Every corridor and there are miles of them with double rows of cots ...with influenza patients...There is only death and destruction.” Yet seven miles away in Little Rock, a headline in theGazettepretended yawns: “Spanish influenza is plain la grippe—same old fever and chills....
If baby is 3 months or older, has a fever of 100.4 to 103 F, and is drinking fluids and playing normally, you probably don’t need to worry. If the fever persists for 24 hours, gets worse, or baby isn’t getting better, call the doctor. Usually a fever over 103.5 F is reason ...
The smoke from Western wildfires that has settled over much of the Pacific Northwest and America’s northern tier, wafting even into parts of New England, is bad enough for adults. But for children, the smoke is a summer wrecker, spoiling outdoor fun and driving kids too long penned up by...