First, we need to create EC2 instances and I already explained in my last article how to create EC2 instances different for both Private and Public subnets, you can check the article. Step 1 - EC2 instances This time I created 3 EC2 instances in different availability zones. So why do I...
Outpost. Both public and private hosted Availability Zones are supported for routing traffic to specific domains. Route 53 resolvers are hosted in the AWS Region. Therefore, service link connectivity from the Outpost back to the AWS Region must be up and running for these DNS features to work....
AWS resources supported in Local Zones Creating a resource in a Local Zone subnet puts it close to your users. For a list of services with resources that are supported in Local Zones, seeAWS Local Zones features. Considerations Local Zone subnets follow the same routing rules as Availability Zo...
You should select multiple Availability Zones to ensure multiple AWS Spot pricing options as well as a high availability deployment. We also choose an On-Demand Instance type, in case we need to use one. I chose m4.large, but you can choose an alternative. Next, we want to identify t...
AWS data center. However, XKS forces a significant shift in the shared responsibility model—you now have responsibility for the durability, throughput, latency, and availability of your KMS key. If that key is lost or destroyed, you could permanently lose access to data, and if an XKS key ...
I'm using AWS Beanstalk (Tomcat) with two EC2 instances. I have minimum and maximum instances count to 2 and Any 2 in Availability zones. I was expecting high availability when deploying a new WAR according to Beanstalk FAQ, but when ELB resolves to a node that is in that moment deployin...
specified region (geographical grouping). At a one time you can select one region to work within and availability zones from that region will be listed here as a dropdown. If no zone selected, AWS will create VPC in any of the zones which has max free resources at that instant of time...
Servers are distributed in at least 2 AWS Availability Zones. Therefore, if one Availability Zone is experiencing problems, I want the application to not suffer from it. The system under test Regarding my specific WordPress setup: As mentioned earlier, WordPress requires a MySQL database. I could...
Failure to create new AWS resources. Examples: increased errors and increased latency when launching EC2 instances Connectivity failure inside and between Availability Zones. Examples: increased errors and latency between RDS master and read replicas, connectivity errors and increased latency between EC2 in...
Remember not only about ensuring the availability of your service, but also about costs. If you want to avoid unpredictable expenses, limit the number of max instances. Reckon the amount of memory required for function execution and configure the memory limit. Remember, you pay for what you ...