Answer to: (a) List examples of cellular work. (b) Explain how ATP supports cellular work. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step...
Both plants and animals then convert glucose into ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate), which is the main energy molecule used by living organisms.Answer and Explanation: ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate) supplies energy for cellular activities when one of its phosphate bonds is broken. ATP has three ...
During photosynthesis, plants use the energy of the sun to drive a reaction that converts carbon dioxide and water to sugar and oxygen. The sugar produced is then converted to energy in the form ofATP, through the same processes used by our bodies to processcarbohydrates. However, in addition...
Hint: ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is a molecule that provides energy within cells. It is the cell's primary source of energy, and it is produced by photophosphorylation (adding a phosphate group to a molecule using light energy), cellular respiration, and fermentation.Complete answer:Photoresp...
Table 1: Common loading control proteins and their cellular localization and molecular weight (kDa). What do you do if your protein of interest has a similar molecular weight as the loading control protein you want to detect? Easy! Just select antibodies that are produced in different host spec...
AlphaFold2 (AF2) provides a 3D structure for every known or predicted protein, opening up new prospects for virtually every field in structural biology. However, working with transmembrane protein molecules pose a notorious challenge for scientists, resu
(5 mg/ml proteinase K, 100 mmTris-HCl pH 7.5, 1.5% SDS, 100 mmEDTA) for 15 min. Nucleic acids were resolved in 15% non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels and visualized by autoradiography. Reactions containing RAD51 included 1 mmATP and 4 mmCaCl2(Fig.2f). The time course in...
2012). The Tim21 mutant (called sd3) was also found to have lower intracellular ATP levels and result in a dwarf phenotype (Hamasaki et al. 2012). However, when Tim21 was over-expressed, it caused an increase in cotyledon size in the light, increased hypocotyl thickness in the dark, ...
How much atp is produced in each step of cellular respiration? The average net gain of ATP from the finish an aerobic respiration of one molecule of glucose: A. 2 B. 4 C. 36-38 D. 30-32 E. 38 How many ATP molecules are produced in aerobic respiration?
How do cells capture the energy released by cellular respiration? A. They produce glucose B. The energy is coupled to oxygen C. They produce ATP Cellular Respiration: The process through which cells transform nutrients such as glucose into ...