Dear Jenny, How are you doing? It’s been almost two months since you returned to America. I miss you a lot. Thank you so much for what you have done to help me with my English. Now I have met with two new obstacles. The first one is that I find it difficult to learn new wor...
Learning the most common German verbs is a good start to learning German. You first need to know how the verb in German is pronounced. Let's learn more than 50 German verb pronunciations!Discover the best way to learn German! Are you ready to learn German? Great! You are in the right...
A: Hi, how are you?B:I’m good, thank are you?A:I’m doing well, thanks.Did ...
How- are- you的回复如果是非中性的(过好positive或过坏negative),此时问话的一方有义务进一步询问具体...
Good News: AOMEI Backupper's Deutsch website, 日本語 website, Français website, and Italiano website are also online. AOMEI Backupper supports multiple languages, including English, German (Deutsch), French (Français), Japanese (日本語), Italian (Italiano), Nederlands (Dutch), Spanish (...
这里我们主要讲面对面交流 face to face communication(因为电话里的how are you 会更加复杂,而且不同...
P1001. Sound Like a Native English Speaker Greetings 02:48 P2002. How to Sound like a Native English Speaker without Words 02:25 P3003. How to Sound Confident in English Even if You are Not Fluent Yet 02:24 P4004. American Pronunciation Made Easy - R vs. L for Asian English Learners...
To ask how someone is doing in German, you will use a phrase based on the verbgehen(''to go''). You will need to remember to change the form of the verb based on who you are speaking to. Answer and Explanation: The German phrase equivalent to the English question ''How are you ...
If you are someone who is learning German, you’ve probably wondered how to sayhow are youin German. Like in English, there are a couple of ways you can ask this question. Some are formal, some informal, and some are a bit out there. In this article, I will take you through these...
This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Nice to meet you. 语法点:主语为第三人称单数的主系表结构。 She is French. He is German. It’s a Volvo.(L6) a/an 的使用。 Lesson 7—8 语言点:如何自我介绍和相互认识。 语法点:主语为第二人称的主系表结构。Are you French?